i hate that i slept on fromis_9

8th Jan, 2025
sometimes our biggest enemies are the people who we never expect it from...

Fromis_9 ended their contracts with pledis ent. on New Year’s eve. They have technically “disbanded” but it’s been a recent k-pop thing of groups continuing their activities even after ending their contract with original company.

I’ve known about Fromis ever since I got into k-pop back in 2020 (I actually got into k-pop in august of next year tho). Talk & Talk was their first comeback which i listened to. I loved the track so much that I set it as my mum’s phone ringtone and it stayed for almost 2 years 😂. I only changed it cause I got annoyed of listening to it 😭 but my mum was sad that i did that, oops. But after that comeback, I never tried to actively explore any other release from them. I’m not really sure why tho. The next release which I listened from them was their first and only 1 studio album, Unlock My World. I honestly don’t remember my exact impressions of that album from back then but I remember liking it.

Side note: I thought their concept was related to forming relationships over phones as gen-z, cause their title tracks which I knew at that point were, Talk & Talk, Airplane Mode and DM. I only found out in june(?) last year that DM is for doesn’t matter and not DM as in direct message, lol.

Coming back, I listened to some of their tracks while shuffling some music from one of my playlists. I enjoyed a couple of them but the nail really hit the coffin when Love Me Back started playing. I’m telling you, if you haven’t listened to it yet, don’t be a fool like me, listen to it now!!!

I ended up listening to them a bunch in july-august, before taking a 3 month-ish gap, well, it was not actually a full gap where I didn’t listen to them at all, I listened to them in smol amounts, you get the point!!. Until I was back on the grind in december.

My Top Artists from the last 180 days

As you can see in the image above, they are at 426 scrobbles and twenty one pilots are behind them by 60-ish scrobbles. So it’s safe to say their music is stuck in my mind lol.

Looking at all this made me think about how many artists am i sleeping over as i slept over Fromis. I wish I didn’t have college or the worry about making money, then I could listen to all the (good) music there is in the world. But i guess i can only dream about it. From now on, I’ll try my best not to sleep over any artist which I find mildly interesting to me. 🫡

  1. at the time of writing